CISN label
CGS | USGS | Caltech | CalEMA | UCB

Earthquake Notification

The CISN provides earthquake notification services for California. However, the recent M7.2 and it's M6.7 aftershock occurred outside the reporting area of the CISN. The figure on the left shows the notification regions of the CISN; the figure on the right shows a close up of northwestern California, with the boundary in blue, seismicity from 1/1/1980 to 6/14/2005 in grey, and earthquakes from 6/15/2005 to 6/18/2005 plotted in red.

As the seismicity moves offshore, it becomes difficult to locate earthquakes well with stations located only in California and Oregon. The USGS National Earthquake Information Center is responsible for earthquakes west of the CISN region.

The CISN regrets any confusion over the lack of notification for the M7.2 and its aftershocks. We are working with the ANSS to develop a new notification system that will allow users to select areas of interest as well as magnitude levels AND provide information from all the contributing networks. We anticipate that this service will be available soon.

First responders, emergency managers, and critical lifeline organizations may want to explore two software packages that provide reliable access to earthquake information from the CISN and other networks. Please see software for earthquake information.

06/15/2005 M7.2 offshore of Northern California
CISN Earthquake Reports

California Integrated Seismic Network

CGS USGS OES Caltech UC Berkeley