QuakeWatch Server Manual
(for Version 2.0)


     The QuakeWatch Information Distribution System (QWIDS) provides an end-to-end implementation for reliable XML-based messaging.  Its features include multi-platform support, a high level of configurability, persistent archiving of messages, and missed-message tracking/recovery.  QWIDS was developed as a next-generation earthquake notification system to alert users, in near real-time, of seismic data and vital earthquake-hazards information following significant events.
     The QuakeWatch server operates as a "hub", receiving messages from one or more sources and passing them on to any number of QuakeWatch-client applications.  It receives its data from configurable "feeder" modules.
     The messages are then passed along to QuakeWatch clients via a Notification Service CORBA-event-channel.  The QuakeWatch server provides support for resending requested messages, allowing clients to catch-up on missed messages.
     The QuakeWatch server is written entirely in Java, allowing it to run on all major operating systems and hardware.  The messaging system uses a leading open-source version of the industry-standard Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA).

Notification Service / CORBA-Event-Channel

     Messages are delivered from the QuakeWatch server to its clients using a Notification Service CORBA-event-channel.  The CORBA-event-channel provides a "one to many" relationship, allowing the server to service many clients without degrading its performance.  A QuakeWatch client program first establishes a connection to the QuakeWatch server, and then the server provides the client with the location of the CORBA-event-channel.
     New messages are "pushed" to the client via the CORBA-event-channel.  QuakeWatch clients also "check in" with the QWServer by calling a connection-status CORBA method on a periodic basis, and clients may request previously-sent messages from the QWServer.  See the "QuakeWatch Messaging System Diagram" for a visual representation of the system.
     The Notification Service executes as a separate program from the QuakeWatch server (see the "Running QWServer" section for more information on startup).  When the server starts up, it finds the Notification Service and creates a CORBA-event-channel for sending messages, and stores a locator for the
CORBA-event-channel in a local file (whose name is specified via the 'mainEvtChLocFile' configuration parameter.)  If the created CORBA-event-channel is still available the next time the server starts up then it will be reused.

Installing QWServer

     The QuakeWatch server distribution is available in archived form as a ".zip" file.  The following files and directories should be present after the archive is unpacked:

QWServer.jar - Java archive file containing the classes for the QuakeWatch server program.
ISTINotifServer.jar - Java archive file containing the classes for the CORBA-event-channel program.
startQWS - Unix script for launching the QuakeWatch server program.
stopQWS - Unix script for terminating the QuakeWatch server program.
runQWS.bat - Windows batch file for launching the QuakeWatch server program.
startNotif - Unix script for launching the CORBA-event-channel server program.
stopNotif - Unix script for terminating the CORBA-event-channel server program.
runNotif.bat - Windows batch file for launching the CORBA-event-channel server program.
startAll - Unix script for launching both programs.
startAllNum - Unix script for launching both programs, using IP number instead of host name.
stopAll - Unix script for terminating both programs.
startStopAll - Unix script for launching or terminating both programs.
startStopAllNum - Unix script for launching or terminating both programs , using IP number .
runAll.bat - Window batch file for launching both programs.
runAllNum.bat - Window batch file for launching both programs , using IP number instead of host name .
runSender - Unix script for launching the CorbaSenderTest utility.
runSender.bat - Windows batch file for launching the CorbaSenderTest utility.
runCubeToQuakeML - Unix script for launching the CubeToQuakeML test utility.
runCubeToQuakeML.bat - Windows batch file for launching the CubeToQuakeML test utility.
runCubeToAnssEQXML - Unix script for launching the CubeToAnssEQXML test utility.
runCubeToAnssEQXML.bat - Windows batch file for launching the CubeToAnssEQXML test utility.
runCubeToQWXML - Unix script for launching the CubeToQWXML test utility.
runCubeToQWXML.bat - Windows batch file for launching the CubeToQWXML test utility.
conf/QWServerConfig.xml - A sample configuration file for the QuakeWatch server.
conf/QWServerConfig_qdds.xml - An alternate configuration file, setup to use QDDSFeeder.
conf/QWServerConfig_qddsanns.xml - An alternate config file, setup to use QddsAnssEQFeeder.
conf/QWServerConfig_qddsquakeml.xml - An alternate config file, setup to use QddsQuakeMLFeeder.
conf/QWServerConfig_viafile.xml - An alternate configuration file, setup to use QWViaFileFeeder.
conf/QWServerConfig_corba.xml - An alternate configuration file, setup to use QWCorbaFeeder.
conf/QDDS.conf - Additional configuration file for the QDDSFeeder module.
conf/QDDS_comm.lst - Hubs configuration file for the QDDSFeeder module.
idl/QWFeeder.idl - CORBA method specifications for the QWCorbaFeeder module.
doc/QWServer.html - The QuakeWatch server manual.
doc/res - Resource files for the QuakeWatch server manual.
doc/xml - Message format documentation and example files.
test/ - Directory containing test files for client-server login authorization.

Running QWServer/ Requirements

     Use of the QuakeWatch server requires that a Java Version Machine (JVM) version 1.8 or higher be available on the host system.

     The server configuration file (including feeder modules) must be customized for each installation.  See the sections that follow for more information.

     Before running the QuakeWatch server, the Notification Service (CORBA-event-channel) program must be started.  The Notification Service (CORBA-event-channel) program may be started via the startNotif script (Unix) or runNotif.bat batch file (Windows).  The QuakeWatch server program may be started via the startQWS script (Unix) or runQWS.bat batch file (Windows).  Both programs may be launched with a single command via the startAll script (Unix) or runAll.bat batch file (Windows).  T he startAllNum script (Unix) or runAllNum.bat batch file (Windows) may be used to launch both programs with numeric-IP use enabled (see the 'publishNumericIPFlag' parameter description for more information).  These script and batch files must be run from the directory where the QuakeWatch server program was installed.

     Under Unix, the Notification Service (CORBA-event-channel) program may be terminated via the stopNotif script, the QuakeWatch server program may be terminated via the stopQWS script, and both programs may be terminated with a single command via the stopAll script.  (Note that the "start" and "stop" scripts may need to be made executable via the "chmod" command.)
Under Unix, both programs may be launched or terminated via the startStopAll script by giving it the parameter value 'start' or 'stop'.  The startStopAllNum script operates in the same way except with numeric-IP use enabled (see the 'publishNumericIPFlag' parameter description for more information).  If the startStopAll or startStopAllNum script is not run from the directory where the QuakeWatch server program was installed then the environment variable "QWSERVERDIR" should be set to the location where the QuakeWatch server program was installed.
     The process-ID of the programs may be determined by using a command like "ps -Afwwu uname | grep java", where "uname" is the user-name that the programs were run under.  The "start" scripts that start up the servers create ".pid" files that contain the process-ID numbers for the processes.  These files are used when terminating the servers via the "stop" scripts.

     Under Windows, the programs will each run in a console window.  Selecting the console window and hitting "Ctrl-C" will terminate the program.

     The Notification Service (CORBA-event-channel) program may be configured to run at a port number other than the default (39988) by inserting the "-p=###" parameter into the launch command for the program (i.e., 'java -Xms16m -Xmx256m -jar ISTINotifServer.jar -g=1 -p=31988 &').  It may be configured to run at a specified host address by inserting the "-a=address" parameter into the launch command for the program (i.e., 'java -Xms16m -Xmx256m -jar ISTINotifServer.jar -g=1 -a="" &').  An effective way of doing this for a given installation is to edit the 'startNotif' script (Unix) or 'runNotif.bat' batch file (Windows).

     The Notification Service program may use a configuration file, with the default name "NotificationServer.ini".  An alternate location and/or name for the configuration file may be specified by supplying "-c" as the first command-line parameter and the path/file name for the configuration file as the second command-line parameter to the program.  A valid configuration file will contain lines of 'name=value' entries, and the '#' character may be used to insert comments. When any entry in the file is changed, the program must be restarted for the change to take effect.  To see a list of available settings for the configuration file, execute the program with the command-line parameter "-h" (i.e., "runNotif -h").  A sample configuration file could contain the following:

# Port number for notification server:
serverPortNumber = 31988
# Host address for notification server:
serverHostAddress =

Server Configuration File

     The QWServerConfig.xml file (found in the "conf" directory) contains the configuration parameters for the QuakeWatch server.  See the "Example QuakeWatch Server Configuration File" section for a sample file.  An alternate location and/or name for the server configuration file may be specified by supplying "--configFile" as the first command-line parameter and the path/file name for the configuration file as the second command-line parameter to the program.   When any parameter in the configuration file is changed, the server must be restarted for the change to take effect.
     The configuration file is in XML format, with all of the information inside of a "<QWServerConfig>" element.  The main configuration parameters for the server reside inside of the "<Settings>" element, and are described below.
See the "QuakeWatch Feeder Modules" section for details on the QWFeederMod element that is used to configure the QuakeWatch server feeder modules.

serverIdName = "name"
     The ID name string for the server.  This server-ID name should uniquely identify the server installation.  The name will be passed along to clients connecting to the server.

serverPortNum = ##
     The port number specification for the server.  Clients connecting to the server will specify this port address.  If this parameter is not specified then the port address will default to 39977.  Note that if the specified port value is less than 1024 then special operating-system administrator privileges may be required to run the server.

notifSvcPortNum = ##
     An optional port number specification for the Notification Service (CORBA-event-channel) that determines where the server will expect to find the Notification Service program.  If the Notification Service has been configured to run at a port number other that the default (39988), then this parameter must be set to the port number value.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 39988.  If this parameter is set to 0 then the server will not use a CORBA-event-channel.  To configure the Notification Service program to run at a port number other than the default (39988), the "-p=##" parameter is inserted into the launch command for the program (i.e. "java -Xms16m -Xmx256m -jar ISTINotifServer.jar -g=1 -p=38988 &").

altServerIdsList = "hostAddr:port,hostAddr:port,..."
     The list of alternate server-IDs to be passed along to clients connecting to the server.  If a client connected to the server detects a loss of connectivity, the client will attempt to connect to the servers on the list.  Each item in the list contains a host address
in name (i.e. "www.caltech.edu") or numeric-IP (i.e. "") form, followed by a numeric port-address value; with the items separated by commas.  If this parameter is not specified then no alternate server-IDs are used.

allowDuplicatesFlag = true/false
     Configures whether the server will accept or reject duplicate messages.  The combination of this and the 'checkDupFdrSourceFlag' parameter are used to configure how the server handles duplicate messages, where a duplicate message is one whose payload (in the "DataMessage" element) matches that of a previously-received message in the server's cache.  See the table below for details. 
If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'false'.

Configured Behavior
Messages are rejected as duplicates if the payload matches that of a previous message or if the feeder-data-source host-name and message-number values match those of a previous message [default]
Messages are rejected as duplicates if the payload matches that of a previous message (regardless of feeder-data-source host-name and message-number values)
Messages are only rejected as duplicates if the feeder-data-source host-name and message-number values are supplied and match (regardless of payload)
Messages are never rejected as duplicates

checkDupFdrSourceFlag = true/false
     Configures whether the server will check feeder-data-source host-name and message-number values when detecting duplicate messages.  The combination of this and the 'allowDuplicatesFlag' parameter are used to configure how the server handles
duplicate messages.  See the 'allowDuplicatesFlag' parameter description for more information.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'true'.

serverLogFileName = "logFileName"
     The name of the log file to be written to by the server.  A date code in the form "_yyyymmdd" will be inserted into the name, and a new log file name will be used each day.  If this parameter is not specified then the log file name will default to "log/QWServer_yyyymmdd.log".

serverLogFileLevel = "level"
     The message level for log file output.  The allowed values are "NO_MSGS", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Debug", "Debug2", "Debug3", "Debug4", "Debug5" and "ALL_MSGS".  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to "Debug".

serverConsoleLevel = "level"
     The message level for console output.  The allowed values are "NO_MSGS", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Debug", "Debug2", "Debug3", "Debug4", "Debug5" and "ALL_MSGS".  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to "Info".

logFilesMaxAgeInDays = ##
     The maximum age, in days, for log files generated by the server.  Log files older than this value will be automatically deleted; unless the value is zero, in which case the log files will never be deleted.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 30 days.

archiveDirNameStr = "dirName"
     The name of the directory used for storing event-message archive files.  If this parameter is not specified then the directory name "storage" will be used.

archiveFileNameStr = "name"
     The base file name used for generating archive file names. 
A date code in the form "_yyyymmdd" will be inserted into the name, and a new archive file name will be used each day.  If this parameter is not specified then the base file name "QWEvents_yyyymmdd.txt" will be used.

maxArchiveAgeInDays = ##
     The maximum age, in days, for event-message archive files generated by the server.  Archive files older than this value will be automatically deleted; unless the value is zero, in which case the archive files will never be deleted.  This parameter may be specified as a floating point value (such as 1.5 days).  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 30.0 days.

maxCacheAgeInDays = ##
     The age, in days, for the event-message memory cache. 
This parameter may be specified as a floating point value (such as 1.5 days).  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 15 days.

cacheMaxObjectCount = ##
     The maximum number of messages allowed to reside in the cache.  When the number of messages in the cache is greater than or equal to this parameter and a new message arrives, the oldest message in the cache is removed.  If this parameter is set to zero then no maximum is enforced. 
If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 0 (no limit).

cacheMaxTotalDataSize = ##
     The total-data-size limit (in bytes) for the cache. 
When the total data size for the messages in the cache is greater than or equal to this limit and a new message arrives , the oldest messages in the cache are removed until the total data size is under the limit.  If the prospect of the cache data-size getting too large is a concern, the recommended setting for this parameter is 40% of the available memory-heap size (setup via the "-Xmx" argument on the 'java' launch command).  If this parameter is set to zero then no limit is enforced.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 0 (no limit).

maxResendNumMsgs = ##
     Specifies the maximum number of messages that may be sent per resend-request to a client.  This limit value is used to divide a single, large client resend-request into several smaller ones, which improves the robustness of the communications.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 50 messages.

maxResendAgeInDays = ##
     Specifies the maximum age of messages that may be sent via a resend request to a client.  This parameter may be specified as a floating point value (such as 1.5 days).  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 15.0 days.

connWaitRetrySecs = ##
     Specifies the maximum number of seconds, at program startup, that the server should wait for the Notification Service (CORBA-event-channel) to become ready before aborting. 
If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 15 seconds.

serverHostAddress = "hostAddress"
     An optional host address specification for the server.  The address may be in name (i.e. "www.caltech.edu") or numeric-IP
(i.e. "") form.  This parameter is usually not needed, except in cases where the machine hosting the server has more than one IP address and a certain address should be used by the server.  If this parameter is not specified or is set to an empty string then the host name and IP address of the machine hosting the server are automatically determined.
he Notification Service ( CORBA-event-channel) program may also be configured to run at a specified host address by inserting the "-a=address" parameter into the launch command for the program (i.e. 'java -Xms16m -Xmx256m -jar ISTINotifServer.jar -g=1 -a=" " &').

publishNumericIPFlag = true/false
     Configures whether the server will use a numeric IP instead of a host name when generating locator strings for client connections.  In most installations, the host name is the preferred address for the machine.  In installations where the machine's host name is not valid for all client connections, the numeric IP may be needed.  Note that if the 'serverHostAddress' parameter is specified then this parameter will have no effect. 
If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'false' (host name used) .  The Notification Service ( CORBA-event-channel) program supports a similar parameter ("-publishNumericIPFlag" or "-n"), and both programs may be launched with numeric-IP use enabled via the "startAllNum" script (Unix) or "runAllNum.bat" batch file (Windows).

notifSvcHostAddress = "hostAddress"
     An optional host address specification for the Notification Service (CORBA-event-channel) program.  The address may be in name (i.e. "www.caltech.edu") or numeric-IP (i.e. "") form.  This parameter is usually not needed, except in cases where the host address for the Notification Service is different from the default host address for the server.  If this parameter is not specified or is set to an empty string then the server will attempt to find the Notification Service on the same machine.
     The Notification Service (CORBA-event-channel) program may be configured to run at a specified host address by inserting the "-a=address" parameter into the launch command for the program (i.e. 'java -Xms16m -Xmx256m -jar ISTINotifServer.jar -g=1 -a="" &').

maximumMessageSize = ###
     Specifies the maximum-allowed size (in bytes) for messages entering the server.  When a message (received via a feeder module) is larger than the specified size it is not stored and is not fowarded, and a log message is generated.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 65536 .

clientsInfoLogIntervalSecs = ##
     If this parameter is greater than zero then a log file of information on connected clients will be generated, with its value specifying the clients-list-update output interval in seconds.   Its name will be in the form "log/QWServerClientsInfo_yyyymmdd.log".   If this parameter is set to zero then the file will not be generated.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 600 seconds.

clientsInfoLogMaxAgeDays = ##
     The maximum age, in days, for the clients-information-log files enabled by the "clientsInfoLogIntervalSecs" parameter.   Clients-information -log files older than this value will be automatically deleted; unless the value is zero, in which case the files will never be deleted.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 180 days.

clientsInfoLogSwitchDays = ##
     The switch interval, in days, to be used for the clients-information -log files enabled by the " clientsInfo LogIntervalSecs" parameter.  After the given number of days, the current log file is closed and a new one is started.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 7 days.

messageLogFileName = "name"
     An optional specification for a log file of messages that have been received and sent to clients. 
A date code in the form "_yyyymmdd" will be inserted into the name.  If this parameter is not specified or is set to an empty string then the file will not be generated.

messageLogSwitchDays = ##
     The switch interval, in days, to be used for the message-log files specified by the "messageLogFileName" parameter.  After the given number of days, the current log file is closed and a new one is started.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 7 days.

consoleRedirectFileName = "fileName"
     An optional specification for the console-output redirect file name.  A date code in the form "_yyyymmdd" will be inserted into the name, i.e., "QWServerConsole_yyyymmdd.txt".  If this parameter is not specified then the console output will not be redirected.  The use a of console-output redirect file is highly recommended so that unexpected error messages will be captured and saved (i.e., out-of-memory error messages).

consoleFilesSwitchIntvlDays = ##
     The switch interval, in days, to be used for the console-output redirect files specified by the "consoleRedirectFileName" parameter.  After the given number of days, the current redirect file is closed and a new one is started; unless the value is zero, in which case the initial redirect file is used indefinitely.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 90 days.

consoleFilesMaxAgeInDays = ##
     The maximum age, in days, for the console-output redirect files specified by the "consoleRedirectFileName" parameter.  Redirect files older than this value will be automatically deleted; unless the value is zero, in which case the redirect files will never be deleted.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 1096 days (3 years).

Additional Server Configuration Parameters

     This section describes additional administrative
parameters for the server that reside inside of the "<Settings>" element of the server configuration file.  A full listing of QWServer parameters may be generated by executing the program with the "-h" parameter (i.e., "java -jar QWServer.jar -h").

clientVersionsInfoFile = "URL-path"
     The path and file name for the client-versions-information file.  This XML-format file configures the available upgrades that are to be offered to client programs.  Upgrades for several types of client programs may be configured, with each type having its own "DistribName".  See the "Example Client-Versions-Information File" section for a sample of this file's contents.  The 'clientVersionsInfoFile' parameter may specify a local file or a URL to a remote file.
  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to an empty string (no file).   The server will poll the client-versions-information file and will automatically reload its contents if the file is modified.  The delay time between polls is specified by the 'clientVInfoPollDelaySecs' parameter.

clientVInfoPollDelaySecs = ##
     The number of seconds to delay between polls of the client-versions-information file.
  The server will automatically reload the contents of the client-versions-information file if the file is modified.  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to 3600 seconds.

rejectUnknownDistFlag = true/false
     Configures whether the server will allow a client to connect when its distribution name does not match a
"DistribName" entry configured in the client-versions-information file (see the 'clientVersionsInfoFile' parameter above).  If this parameter is set to 'true' and the client's distribution name does not match then the client connection will be rejected.  If a client-versions-information file is not setup then this parameter will have no effect.  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to 'false'.

redirectServersList = " hostAddr:port,hostAddr:port,... "
list of one or more server-redirect locators.  Each item in the list contains a host address in name (i.e. "www.caltech.edu") or numeric-IP (i.e. "") form, followed by a numeric port-address value; with the items separated by commas.   Depending on the other "redirect" parameters described below, connecting clients may be redirected to the specified servers.   If more than one redirect server is used then the client will connect to the first one and use the rest as alternate servers.  If this parameter is not specified then no redirect servers are used .

randomizeRedirListFlag = true/false
     Configures whether or not the list of redirect servers specified via the 'redirectServersList' parameter will be randomized each time it is given to a connecting client.  If the
'redirectServersList' parameter contains less than two items then this parameter will have no effect.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'true' (redirect servers randomized) .

redirectConnectsCount = ##
     The number of clients that need to be connected before newly-connecting clients are redirected to the servers specified by the
'redirectServersList' parameter.  If the 'redirectServersList' parameter is empty then no clients will be redirected.  Setting this parameter to zero specifies that all clients should be redirected.  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to 0 (all clients redirected) .

redirectPercentValue = ##
     The percentage of client connections that should be redirected
to the servers specified by the 'redirectServersList' parameter.  If the 'redirectServersList' parameter is empty then no clients will be redirected.  This parameter is specified as an integer from 0 to 100.  If both the 'redirectConnectsCount' parameter and this parameter are specified then the 'redirectConnectsCount' parameter will first be used to determine if the newly-connecting client is eligible for redirection, and then this parameter will be applied.  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to 100 (all clients redirected) .

qwServicesAvailFlag = true/false
     Configures whether the server's CORBA QWServices are initialized and used.  This parameter is usually not modified.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'true' (QWServices used) .

systemExitOnCloseFlag = true/false
     Configures whether the server will perform "System.exit()" at the end of its close-program procedure.  In some configurations (like web services) it is desirable to set this flag to 'false' to prevent "System.exit()" from being performed.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'true' ( "System.exit()" performed on close) .

allowObsLoginClientsFlag = true/false
     Configures whether the server will accept connections from "obsolete-login" clients (older-version clients that do not support login username/password configuration).  If this parameter is 'true' and a password-database is setup (via the parameters described in the "Password Database Configuration Parameters" section) then connections from "obsolete-login" clients will always be allowed, while connections from clients that supply a login username and password will need be successfully verified before being allowed.  This parameter is used to ease the transition away from "obsolete-login" clients, and should not otherwise be used.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'false' ( "obsolete-login" clients rejected ) .

checkFdrStatusErrMins = ##
     This parameter specifies how often (in minutes) the feeder modules are checked to see if they are reporting status-error messages.  (The QWRelayFeeder flags a status-error message if it is not receiving 'alive' messages from its source server.)  When a feeder-status-error message is detected, a warning message is logged.  This parameter may be specified as a floating point value (such as 1.5 minutes).  If set to zero then the feeder-status-error messages are not checked.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 15.0 minutes.

threadLogIntervalMSecs = ##
     If this parameter is greater than zero then a log file of program "thread" information will be generated, with its value specifying the check-and-output interval in milliseconds.  This log file is used for debugging purposes.  Its name will be in the form "log/QWServerThreads_yyyymmdd.log".
  If this parameter is not specified or is set to zero then the file will not be generated.

memoryLogIntervalMSecs = ##
     If this parameter is greater than zero then a log file of program memory information will be generated, with its value specifying the check-and-output interval in milliseconds.  This log file is used for debugging purposes.  Its name will be in the form "log/QWServerMemInfo_yyyymmdd.log".   If this parameter is not specified or is set to zero then the file will not be generated.

memoryLogMaxAgeInDays = ##
The maximum age, in days, for the memory-log files enabled by the "memoryLogIntervalMSecs" parameter.   Memory-log files older than this value will be automatically deleted; unless the value is zero, in which case the files will never be deleted.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 180 days.

memoryLogSwitchDays = ##
     The switch interval, in days, to be used for the memory-log files enabled by the "memoryLogIntervalMSecs" parameter.  After the given number of days, the current log file is closed and a new one is started.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 30 days.

statsLogIntervalSecs = ##
     The number of seconds between each output of server-statistics information to the log file.  Included in the output is information on feeder modules, message cache, and currently-connected clients.  If this parameter is set to 0 then no server-statistics information will be generated.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 3600 seconds.

memorySizeWarnMBytes = ##
     The in-use-memory-size limit (in megabytes) beyond which warning messages will be logged.  When the program detects that its in-use memory is larger than this value, the program will send warning messages to its log file.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 100 MB.

threadCountWarnMargin = ##
     The margin value added to the thread-count limit beyond which warning messages will be logged.  When the program detects that its thread count is larger than an internally-determined limit plus this margin value, the program will send warning messages to its log file.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 25.

notifSvrStatusLogName = "filename"
     The name of the Notification Service status log file to be checked for in-use-memory-size and thread-count limits.  A date code (in the form "_YYYYMMDD") for the current date is inserted into the specified name when it is used to locate the file.  When this program detects that the Notification Service memory size or thread count is too large, the program will send warning messages to its log file.  (The 'memorySizeWarnMBytes' and 'threadCountWarnMargin' parameters are used in the determination.)  If this parameter is set to an empty string ("") then the program will not attempt to check for the status log file.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to "log/NotifServerStatus.log".

notifSvrStatusWarnFlag = true/false
     Set 'true' to configure the program to log warning messages if the 'notifSvrStatusLogName' parameter specifies a Notification Service status log file and the program is unable to fetch status-log entries from the file.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'false'.

defaultFdrSourceHost = "name"
     Configures the QWServer to have a "default" feeder-data-source "host name" value such that any received messages that do not already contain a feeder-data-source-host-name value will be given the default value and a feeder-data-source message number.  This parameter should only be used on QWServer installations that are dedicated to a single data source.  See the "Feeder-Data-Source Message Tracking System" section for more information.   If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to an empty string (no default host name).

feederModulesCfgFile = "fileName"
     Specifies the dynamic feeder-modules configuration file, which contains one or more "<QWFeederMod>" elements for feeders that are to be used in addition to the ones specified in the "main" server configuration file.  The server monitors this file and stops/starts feeders according to its content.  This can be useful for "hub" servers where the data-provider feeders may want to be changed without stopping and restarting the server.
     The content of the
feeder-modules configuration file is in XML format.  Each feeder is specified using a "<QWFeederMod>" element, with all the "<QWFeederMod>" elements inside of a single "<QWFeederConfig>" element.  The syntax of the  "<QWFeederMod>" element is the same as in the "main" server configuration file.   See the "Example Feeder-Modules Configuration File" section for a sample file, and the "QuakeWatch Feeder Modules" section for information on feeder settings.  (Note that the 'QDDS' feeder cannot be stopped and restarted.)
If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to an empty string (no dynamic feeder-modules configuration file ).

checkEQMsgIdentFlag = true/false
     Configures whether or not the server will check for and use the following message elements:
ANSS-EQ-XML message format:
  'DataMessage'|'EQMessage'|'MsgSrc' => feeder-data-source host name
  'DataMessage'|'EQMessage'|'MsgIdent' => feeder-data-source message number
QuakeML message format:
  'DataMessage'|'quakeMessage'|'msgSrc' => feeder-data-source host name
  'DataMessage'|'quakeMessage'|'msgIdent' => feeder-data-source message number
If this parameter is 'true' and the 'MsgSrc' and 'MsgIdent' child-elements are found then their values are used as the feeder-data-source "host name" and message-number values for the given message.  This allows these values to be specified within the message data.  See the "Feeder-Data-Source Message Tracking System" section for more information.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'true'.

msgKeyElement1Name = "elementName"
     Sets the name of the upper child-element under the 'DataMessage' element to be used when generating check-duplicate key strings for messages.  When a check-duplicate key string is generated, if the 'DataMessage' element contains a child-element matching the 'msgKeyElement1Name' value, and the child-element contains a child-element matching the 'msgKeyElement2Name' value, then that child-element is used for the key string.  If only the 'msgKeyElement1Name' value is given then its matching child-element will be used.
  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to "EQMessage" (for duplicate-checking of ANSS-EQ-XML-format messages) .

msgKeyElement2Name = "elementName"
     Sets the name of the lower child-element under the 'DataMessage' element to be used when generating check-duplicate key strings for messages.  When a check-duplicate key string is generated, if the 'DataMessage' element contains a child-element matching the 'msgKeyElement1Name' value, and the child-element contains a child-element matching the 'msgKeyElement2Name' value, then that child-element is used for the key string.
  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to "Event" (for duplicate-checking of ANSS-EQ-XML-format messages) .

coaFile = "URL-path"
     The location of the "Certificate of Authority" file for the server.  See the "Message Signing Implementation" section for more information.
crlFile = "URL-path"
     The location of the "Certificate Revocation List" file for the server.  See the "Message Signing Implementation" section for more information.

certFile = "file-path"
     The location of the "Certificate" file for the server.  See the "Message Signing Implementation" section for more information.

privKeyFile = "URL-path"
     The location of the "private key" file for the server.  See the "Message Signing Implementation" section for more information.

mainEvtChLocFile = "fileName"
     An optional specification for the CORBA-event-channel locator file name.  The purpose of this file is to allow the QWServer to reuse a CORBA-event-channel in cases where the QWServer is restarted but the Notification Service CORBA-event-channel is not.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to "MainMessageService.loc".

Status Report Configuration Parameters

     The QWServer may be configured to generate and deliver status reports containing information about the server's operation, errors and connected clients.  The status reports may be written to a log file, made available via the client-services connection, and/or sent to a remote machine (via 'scp' copy).   The configuration parameters for doing this are described below.

stRptItvlMins = ##
     Sets the status-report interval, in minutes.  For any status-report data to be generated, this parameter must be set to a value greater than zero.  This parameter may be specified as a floating point value (such as 1.5 minutes).  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 0.0 (no reports generated).

stRptTrkLogLevel = "level"
     Sets the minimum tracking log level for status reports.  Server log messages that are at this level or greater will be entered into the reports.  For example, if this parameter were set to "Info" then log messages at the "Info" and "Warning" levels would be entered.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to "Warning".

stRptTrkLogCount = ##
     Sets the maximum number of tracked log messages that will be retained for status reports.  When more than this number of tracked log messages occur, older messages will be discarded.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 10.

stRptTrkLogHours = ##
     Sets the maximum age (in hours) for tracked log messages to be retained for status reports.  When the age of a tracked log messages becomes older that this value, it is discarded.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 24 hours.

stRptOnLogFlag = true/false
     If this parameter is set to 'true' then a status report will be generated immediately whenever a tracked log message is entered.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'true'.

stRptClientsFlag = true/false
     If this parameter is set to 'true' then a list of currently-connected clients will be included in generated status reports.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'true'.

stRptClientQueriesFlag = true/false
     Setting this parameter to 'true' will enable the querying of status reports via a client-services connection.  (This will allow the QWStatusProcessor program to directly fetch status reports from the server.)  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'true'.

stRptLocalFile = "filename"
     Specifies the name of a local status-report log file that will receive copies of generated status reports.  A date code
in the form "_yyyymmdd" will be inserted into the name, and a new log file will be used each day.  If this parameter is not specified or is set to an empty string then no local status-report log file will be generated.

stRptFilesMaxAge = ##
     The maximum age, in days, for
local status-report log files generated by the server.  Local status-report log files older than this value will be automatically deleted; unless the value is zero, in which case the log files will never be deleted.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 7 days.

stRptRemoteDir = "directory"
     If generated status reports are to be delivered as files to a remote machine via 'scp' then this parameter must be set to the destination directory path. 
If this parameter is not specified or is set to an empty string then status reports will not be delivered as files to a remote machine.

stRptRemoteFName = "filename"
     If generated status reports are to be delivered as files to a remote machine via 'scp' then this parameter may be used to specify to the destination file name. 
If this parameter is not specified and status reports are delivered as files to a remote machine then the file name will be automatically generated using the 'serverIdName' parameter value.  A current timestamp is added to the name on each delivered file (to make each file name unique).

stRptRemoteHost = "hostAddress"
     If generated status reports are to be delivered as files to a remote machine via 'scp' then this parameter should be set to the host address of the remote machine. 
If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to an empty string ("").

stRptRemoteUser = "username"
     If generated status reports are to be delivered as files to a remote machine via 'scp' then this parameter should be set to the username of an SSH login on the remote machine.  
If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to an empty string ("").

stRptRemAuthKeyFile = "filename"
     If generated status reports are to be delivered as files to a remote machine via 'scp' then this parameter should be set to the authorization keyfile for an SSH login on the remote machine. 
If this parameter is not specified then the filename will default to ".ssh/id_rsa" in the user-home directory.

stRptRemChkHostFlag = true/false
     If generated status reports are to be delivered as files to a remote machine via 'scp' then this parameter may be set 'true' to require that the host address for the remote machine is listed among those in the ".ssh/known_hosts" file in the user-home directory on the local machine.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'false' (all host addresses accepted).

Password Database Configuration Parameters

     The QWServer may be configured to use a "password database" to verify client-connection login information.  The password-data parameters for the server reside inside of the "<Settings>" element of the server configuration file, and are described below.  See the "Setting Up a Slave MySQL Server for CISN Login" section for information on how to configure the password database.

pwdDatabaseHostAddress = "hostAddress"
     The host address specification for the machine hosting the client-login password database.  If the client-login password database is hosted on the same machine as the QuakeWatch server then a value of "localhost" should be used.  If this parameter is not specified or is set to an empty string then the value "localhost" will be used.

pwdDatabasePortNumber = "###"
     The port number specification for the machine hosting the client-login password database.  The port number is configured as part of the client-login password database administration.  If this parameter is not specified or is set to an empty string then the value "3306" will be used.

pwdDatabaseIdentifier = "identifier"
     The database-identifier string for the client-login password database.  The database identifier is configured as part of the client-login password database administration.  If this parameter is not specified or is set to an empty string then a client-login password database will not be used by this QuakeWatch server.

pwdDatabaseUsername = "username"
     The database-access username for the client-login password database.  The username is configured as part of the client-login password database administration.

pwdDatabasePassword = "password"
     The database-access password for the client-login password database.  The password is configured as part of the client-login password database administration.

localPasswordFile = "pathname"
     The path and file name for a local file containing client-login password information.  The file provides an alternate method of specifying client-login information (instead of the database).  If both the local file and the database are configured then both will be used and the entries in the local file will take precedence.  The file contains one line per client-login entry, with each line in the format "username=encryptedPwd", where "encryptedPwd" is the encrypted form of the password (using Unix-style crypt).  The following command may be used to create an encrypted password for use in this file:

		  java -cp QWServer.jar com.isti.util.JCrypt username password

     If the 'localPasswordFile' parameter is not specified or is set to an empty string then a local client-login password file will not be used by this QuakeWatch server.  A sample local-password file, "test/TestLocalPwdFile.txt", is included with the QWServer distribution.

QuakeWatch Feeder Modules

     The QuakeWatch server receives its messages from feeder modules, which are configured via one or more "<QWFeederMod>" elements in the server configuration file.  They may also be specified in a dynamic feeder-modules configuration file (see the "feederModulesCfgFile" parameter).  These modules are available:

Note:  If the "QWPdlFeeder" is used, a copy of the "ProductClient.jar" file from the PDL distribution must reside in the QWServer program directory.

Any number of  "<QWFeederMod>" elements may specified, and any combination of feeder types may be included.  The following attributes of this element are common to all feeder modules.

Name = "feederName"

     The name associated with the feeder module.  The
QWRelay feeder is usually named "QWRelay" and the QDDS feeder is usually named "QDDS".

Class = "feederClassSpec"

     The Java class specification for the feeder module.  This is used to by the server to load the feeder module.  The following table shows the value used for each type of feeder module.  For example, a value of "com.isti.quakewatch.server.QWRelayFeeder" would specify the 'QWRelay' feeder module.

 QWRelay  com.isti.quakewatch.server.QWRelayFeeder
 QWPdl  com.isti.quakewatch.server.QWPdlFeeder
 QWViaFile  com.isti.quakewatch.server.QWViaFileFeeder
 QWCorba  com.isti.quakewatch.server.QWCorbaFeeder
 QDDS  com.isti.quakewatch.server.QddsFeeder
 QddsAnssEQ  com.isti.quakewatch.server.QddsAnssEQFeeder
 QddsQuakeML  com.isti.quakewatch.server.QddsQuakeMLFeeder

Params = "params"
     A string of feeder-specific parameters to be entered into the feeder module.  For the
QDDS feeder the location of the QDDS-leaf configuration file, "conf/QDDS.config", is entered.

LogFileName = "logFileName"

     The log file to be used by the feeder module. 
For the QDDS feeder, "log/QDDSFeeder.log" is usually used.  For the QWRelay feeder, "log/QWRelayFeeder.log" is usually usedA date code in the form "_yyyymmdd" will be inserted into the name, and a new log file name will be used each day.  When more than one feeder is specified, each feeder must have a separate log file.

LogFileLevel = "level"

     The message level for the feeder's log file output.  The allowed values are "NO_MSGS", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Debug", "Debug2", "Debug3", "Debug4", "Debug5" and "ALL_MSGS".  If this attribute is not specified then the value will default to "Error".

ConsoleLevel = "level"

     The message level for the feeder's console output.  The allowed values are "NO_MSGS", "Error", "Warning", "Info", "Debug", "Debug2", "Debug3", "Debug4", "Debug5" and "ALL_MSGS".  If this attribute is not specified then the value will default to "Error".

  Within the QWFeederMod element may reside a "<QWFeederSettings>" element containing feeder-specific settings.  This element is not used by the QDDS, QddsAnssEQ and QddsQuakeML feeders.

For the QWRelay feeder, the "QWFeederSettings" element may contain the following settings:

serverHostAddress = "hostAddress"

     The host-address specification for the server from which the feeder will receive messages. 
The address may be in name (i.e. "www.caltech.edu") or numeric-IP (i.e. "") form.  If this parameter is empty or is not specified and the 'altServersEnabledFlag' parameter is 'true' then one of the alternate servers will be chosen at random (if any are specified) and used as the server.

serverPortNumber = ##
     The port-number
specification for the server from which the feeder will receive messages.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 39977.

webServicesServerFlag = true/false
Set 'true' to configure the connection as being to a QuakeWatch Web Services Server (as opposed to a CORBA-based QWServer).  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'false' (CORBA-based QWServer).  Note that a copy of the QuakeWatch Web Services Manager "jar" file may be needed to provide support for connecting to a QuakeWatch Web Services Server.

loginInfoFileName = "filename"

     The name of the server login information file.  This file may be used to specify the username and password used to validate the connection to
the server from which the feeder will receive messagesIf this parameter is not specified then the filename will default to "conf/ServerLoginInfo.dat".  If this parameter is set to an empty string ("") or if the specified file is missing then a blank username and password will be used.  For more information on this file, see the "QuakeWatch Server Login Information File" section.

alternateServersList = "hostAddr:port,hostAddr:port,..."
     The list of alternate host-server-IDs that may be used by the feeder.  If the feeder detects a loss of connectivity then it will attempt to connect to the servers on the list.  Each item in the list contains a host address in name (i.e. "www.caltech.edu") or numeric-IP (i.e. "") form, followed by a numeric port-address value; with the items separated by commas.  Note that if the keepDefaultAltServersFlag parameter is 'false' then the feeder may instead use a new list fetched from the current host server.

altServersEnabledFlag = true/false
     Set 'true' to enable the feeder to switch to an alternate server
when a loss of connectivity is detected.  If 'false' then the feeder will only connect to the server specified via the 'serverHostAddress' and 'serverPortNumber' parameters.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'true' (alternate servers enabled).

keepDefaultAltServersFlag = true/false

     Set 'true' to configure the feeder to only use the list of alternate host-server-IDs specified by the 'alternateServersList' parameter and never fetch a new list from the current host server.  If 'false' then the list may be overwritten by a new list fetched from the current host server.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 'false' (fetch alternate servers list).

maxServerEventAgeDays = 3.0
     The maximum number of day's worth of messages that the feeder may fetch from its host server.  This parameter may be specified as a floating point value (such as 1.5 days).  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 15.0 days.

For the QWPdl feeder, the "QWFeederSettings" element may contain the following settings:

pdlServerHost = "hostAddress"
     The IP address or hostname where a PDL EIDS Server with notifications is running.  The address may be in name (i.e. "www.caltech.edu") or numeric-IP (i.e. "") form.  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to "ehppdl1.cr.usgs.gov".

pdlServerPort = ##
     The port where a PDL EIDS Server with notifications is running.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 39977.

pdlAlternateServers = "hostAddr:port,hostAddr:port,..."
     A list of alternate host-server-IDs that may be used by the feeder.  If the feeder detects a loss of connectivity then it will attempt to connect to the servers on the list.  Each item in the list contains a host address in name (i.e. "www.caltech.edu") or numeric-IP (i.e. "") form, followed by a numeric port-address value; with the items separated by commas.  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to "ehppdl2.wr.usgs.gov:39977".

pdlTrackingFile = "filename"
     The name of the tracking file used by the PDL-client receiver.  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to "pdldata/receiver_pdl_tracking.dat".

pdlMaxServerEventAgeDays = #.#
     The maximum number of day's worth of messages that the feeder may fetch from its host server.  This parameter may be specified as a floating point value (such as 1.5 days).  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 3.0 days.

pdlReceiverStorage = "path"
     The path for the directory used by the PDL-client receiver for storage.  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to "pdldata/receiver_storage".

pdlReceiverIndex = "filename"
     The name of the index file used by the PDL-client receiver for storage.  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to "pdldata/receiver_index.db".

pdlListenerIndex = "filename"
     The name of the index file used by the PDL-client listener for storage.  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to "pdldata/listener_index.db".

pdlCleanupInterval = ##
     The interval (in milliseconds) of how often the PDL-client receiver will check for and remove stored products that are older than the age specified by the 'pdlStorageAge' parameter.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 900000 (15 minutes).

pdlStorageAge = ##
     The maximum age (in milliseconds) for stored products held by the PDL-client receiver.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 900000 (15 minutes).

pdlMaxTries = ##
     The maximum number of delivery attempts PDL receiver should make.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 5.

pdlRetryDelay = ##
     The number of milliseconds the PDL receiver should wait between delivery attempts that fail.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 30000 (30 seconds).

dyfiUrlPrefixStr = "str"
     The prefix string used to build Did-You-Feel-It product URLs.  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to "http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi/events/".

dyfiUrlSuffixStr = "str"
     The suffix string used to build Did-You-Feel-It product URLs.  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to "/us/index.html".

shakemapUrlPrefixStr = "str"
     The prefix string used to build ShakeMap-product URLs.  This is used in combination with the product-ID to build a ShakeMap-product-link URL string in the form:   {shakemapUrlPrefixStr}<TYPE>/<CODE>/<SOURCE>/<UPDATETIME>{shakemapUrlSuffixStr}
     If this parameter is not specified then it will default to "http://earthquake.usgs.gov/product/".

shakemapUrlSuffixStr = "str"
     The suffix string used to build ShakeMap-product URLs.  This is used in combination with the product-ID to build a ShakeMap-product-link URL string in the form:   {shakemapUrlPrefixStr}<TYPE>/<CODE>/<SOURCE>/<UPDATETIME>{shakemapUrlSuffixStr}
     If this parameter is not specified then it will default to "/intensity.html".

pdlReceiverLogLevel = "level"
     The log level for the PDL-client receiver; one of:  "OFF", "SEVERE", "WARNING", "INFO", "CONFIG", "FINE", "FINER", "FINEST", "ALL".  If this parameter is not specified then it will default to "INFO".

For the QWViaFile feeder,
the "QWFeederSettings" element may contain the following settings:

inputDirName = "directoryName"

     The directory that will be polled for input files. 
If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to "msgInput".

storageDirName = "directoryName"
     The directory into which files will be placed after they have been processed. 
If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to "msgSave".

processDirName = "directoryName"
     The directory that the feeder will move input files into while they are being processed. 
If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to "msgProcess".

inputPollDelayMS = ##
     The number of milliseconds that the feeder will delay between polls of the input directory
.  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 1000 milliseconds.

storageAgeSecs = ##
     The number of seconds that the feeder will hold processed files in the "storage" directory before deleting them.  A value of 0 will configure the feeder to delete the files immediately after processing them.
  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 86400 seconds (1 day).

feederParserClass = "feederParserClassSpec"
     The Java class specification for a feeder-parser to be used by this feeder.  This parameter may be set to:
  "com.isti.quakewatch.server.CubeQuakeMLParser" to have incoming messages converted from CUBE format to QuakeML format;
  "com.isti.quakewatch.server.CubeAnssEQParser" to have incoming messages converted from CUBE format to ANSS-EQ-XML format;
  "com.isti.quakewatch.server.CubeFormatParser" to have incoming messages converted from CUBE format to QuakeWatch "QWmessage" XML format.
If this parameter is not specified then incoming messages will be passed through without modification.

For the QWCorba feeder,
the "QWFeederSettings" element may contain the following settings:

feederPortNumber = ##

     The port number that this CORBA feeder will listen on.
  If this parameter is not specified then the value will default to 38800.

feederParserClass = "feederParserClassSpec"
The Java class specification for a feeder-parser to be used by this feeder.  This parameter may be set to:
  "com.isti.quakewatch.server.CubeQuakeMLParser" to have incoming messages converted from CUBE format to QuakeML format;
  "com.isti.quakewatch.server.CubeAnssEQParser" to have incoming messages converted from CUBE format to ANSS-EQ-XML format;
  "com.isti.quakewatch.server.CubeFormatParser" to have incoming messages converted from CUBE format to QuakeWatch "QWmessage" XML format.
If this parameter is not specified then incoming messages will be passed through without modification.

     Publisher access to the QWCorba feeder is by using the methods specified in "idl/QWFeeder.idl".  The 'QWFeeder' CORBA object may be located via a "Corbaloc" address that includes the host address of the host machine and the configured 'feederPortNumber' value for the QWCorba feeder.  For example, to locate a 'QWFeeder' CORBA object on the local machine with a configured 'feederPortNumber' value of 38800, the following "Corbaloc" address would be used:
     The QWServer program jar ("QWServer.jar") includes the test program 'CorbaSenderTest' for entering data from the console into a QWServer running a 'QWCorbaFeeder'.  The test program may be started up by executing the "runSender" script (Unix) or "runSender.bat" batch file (Windows).  While the "CorbaSenderTest" is running, text characters typed into the console will be entered into the QWServer after the <Enter> key is pressed.  If the message is successfully entered into the QWServer then the text "Feeder response:  true" will be displayed.  Entering the 'Q' character followed by the <Enter> key will terminate the program.  Note that if the 'allowDuplicatesFlag' parameter is 'false' then duplicate messages are not allowed and will be rejected.

QuakeWatch Outputter Modules

     A QuakeWatch server may be configured to deliver messages via one or more outputter modules.  As of version 0.65Beta, the QWCorbaOutputter is available.
     Note that a given QuakeWatch server may be configured use both outputters and the standard QWServices interface for QuakeWatch clients.

Setting Up a Slave MySQL Server for CISN Login

     This section describes the process of setting up a new slave MySQL server for use with the CISN login system.  The slave servers are read-only database servers that replicate the data from the single master (read/write) server.

Checking If a Slave MySQL Database is Synchronized

Note that the Seconds_Behind_Master value will only tell you when the last event occurred on the master that warranted replication on the slave.  That is, it is a poor choice of name for this parameter but can give you some idea of how far off the slave is from the master's changes.

To really know if replication is happening, the administrator of the Master database needs to provide all Slave administrators with the numbers found in the Master_Log_File and Read_Master_Log_Pos parameters.  If these match what is shown by the values in the SHOW SLAVE STATUS command on the slave dbs, then the slaves and master are in sync.

Alternatively, you can look at the date of the relay log file and compare that to the current date:

[mysql@qws1 conf]$ cd /var/lib/mysql
[mysql@qws1 mysql]$ ls
ibdata1 ib_logfile1 mysql qws qws1.gps.caltech.edu.pid qws1-relay-bin.index test
ib_logfile0 master.info mysql.sock qws1.gps.caltech.edu.err qws1-relay-bin.000001 relay-log.info
[mysql@qws1 mysql]$ ls -l /var/lib/mysql/relay-log.info
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 55 Nov 22 13:43 /var/lib/mysql/relay-log.info
[mysql@qws1 mysql]$ date
Tue Nov 22 14:04:55 PST 2005
[mysql@qws1 mysql]$

Setting Up a QWServer with a QDDS Feeder

     The default configuration for the "standard" QuakeWatch Server distribution is to use a QWRelay feeder.  (The default configuration for the "QWIDS" QuakeWatch Server distribution is to use a QWCorba feeder.)   The following section contains instructions on how to configure a QWServer to use a QDDS feeder (on a Unix platform).

In the 'conf' directory:
  Rename "QWServerConfig.xml" to "QWServerConfig_relay.xml".
  Rename "QWServerConfig_qdds.xml" to "QWServerConfig.xml".

Edit the "conf/QWServerConfig.xml" file and change the 'serverIdName' value to a name that is unique and identifiable.  For example, a QWServer on 'qws1.gps.caltech.edu' could be named "QWS1 Server".

Make the "start"/"stop" scripts executable:
  chmod 755 start*
  chmod 755 stop*

For the QDDS feeder to successfully receive messages, port 2222 must opened for both UDP and TCP traffic (through the firewall).

The default configuration is for the QWServer to listen on port 39977 and the Notification Service (CORBA-event-channel) to listen on port 39988.  If using this configuration then these ports need to be opened for TCP traffic.

The "start" scripts that start up the servers create ".pid" files that contain the process-ID numbers for the processes.  These files are used when terminating the servers via the "stop" scripts.

The "startAll" script is used to start up the servers.  See the 'log' directory for generated log files.

     The servers may be configured to listen on port numbers other than the defaults; for instance, to have the QWServer listen on port 29977 and the Notification Service (CORBA-event-channel) listen on port 29988.  To do this, the "conf/QWServerConfig.xml" file would need to be edited to have "serverPortNum =
29977" and "notifSvcPortNum = 29988", and the "startNotif" script edited to include the command-line parameter "-p=29988", like this:
java -Xms16m -Xmx256m -jar ISTINotifServer.jar
-p=29988 -g=1 &

     It is possible to have more than one set of QW servers running on the same machine.  To do this, a separate set of ports needs to be used.  The QW server port numbers can be modified as described above.  To change the port used by the QDDS feeder, the "conf/QDDS.config" file settings "LISTEN PORT TCP:" and "LISTEN PORT UDP:" need to be changed to a different value (i.e. 2322).  Additionally, in the "conf/QDDS_comm.lst" file, the "password" text used in the three hub-configuration lines needs to be different from the "password" text used in the "QDDS.config" for any other QDDS feeder running on the same machine.

Initial Testing:  To check if the QDDS feeder is reaching its hubs, it can be useful to increase the level of QDDS-debug output by editing the "conf/QWServerConfig.xml" file and changing the 'LogFileLevel' attribute in the 'QWFeederMod' element to "All_Msgs".  With that change in place and the QW servers running, "QddsFeeder ("QDDS") alive message" entries should appear in the "log/QDDSFeeder_YYYMMDD.log" file.  Note that the "IOError in getMaxReceived: java.io.FileNotFoundException: qddsdata\save_max_received" message is normal.

Firewall Issues

     In order for the QuakeWatch server to operate, it needs to be able to receive event-data (via its feeders) and to send event-messages out to its clients.  In some cases, Internet firewalls can prevent this from happening.  Internet proxy servers can be especially hard for network-based programs (like QuakeWatch) to operate through because the proxy servers are so restrictive about what Internet traffic they allow.
     When a QuakeWatch server is using a QDDS feeder, it will need to receive data via port 2222 (TCP and UDP packets).
     A potential workaround for firewall issues is a local "QuakeWatch Relay Server", which makes use of a QuakeWatch server using a QWRelay feeder (and a CORBA-event-channel) running on the "inside" of the firewall such that it is on the same internal intranet as the client programs.  The client programs can then easily reach the server, and the system administrator need only to configure external access for the local relay server (to allow its QWRelay feeder can reach its source host server).  The diagram below illustrates this type of installation:

QuakeWatch Relay Server Installation


1. QWServer program terminates soon after launching
2. Clients are unable to connect to the server
3. Client connections fail with the message "Unable to connect to server .. [host not found]"

     If the clients' configured host address is correct and the connections always fail with a "host not found" error, the problem may be that QWServer machine has more than one IP address, and the "wrong" IP address is being passed back to the client.  The "wrong" address may be an internal IP that cannot be used outside of the local network subnet.
     The default behavior of the QWServer is to automatically determine the IP address of its hosting machine and to use that IP address in "locator" resources that are passed back to the client.  A best-effort attempt is made to determine which IP address to use when multiple IPs are available on a given machine.  If the "wrong" IP address is being selected, then the solution is to explicitly provide the address in the server configuration.  To do this, put the following settings in the "QWServerConfig.xml" file for the QWServer:

serverHostAddress = "address"
notifSvcHostAddress = "address"

     The "address" is the host name or IP address for the machine hosting the QWServer.  In most cases this will solve the problem.  If it still doesn't work then it may be necessary to also specify the host address in the "startNotif" script (used to start up the notification-server event channel) by making the applicable line look like this:

$JAVACMD -Xms16m -Xmx256m -jar ISTINotifServer.jar -g=1 -a="address" $* &

     If the problem still persists, it may help to start up the servers with the "startAllNum" script/batch file (instead of "startAll") to make the servers use numeric IPs instead of host names.

QuakeWatch Server Login Information File

The QuakeWatch Server login information file contains the username and password used to validate a connection to a QuakeWatch Server.  The password may be specified in plain text (in which case the password will be replaced with an encrypted version).  Note:  This file is used by the QWRelay feeder, specified in its "QWFeederSettings" element via the 'loginInfoFileName' setting.

The first entry in the file is always the username:

username = "yourUser"

The second entry is the password, which may be specified using one of the following:

password = "yourPwd"
stdEncPassword = "yourStdEncPwd"
encryptedPassword = "yourEncyptedPwd"

The 'password' entry specifies the password in plain text.  The first time the login information file is used it will be rewritten with the "password" entry replaced by an 'encryptedPassword' entry containing an encrypted version of the password.

The 'stdEncPassword' entry specifies the password in a "standard" encoded form (using Unix-style "crypt").  The first time the login information file is used it will be rewritten with the "stdEncPassword" entry replaced by an 'encryptedPassword' entry containing an encrypted version of the "standard" encoded password.

The 'encryptedPassword' entry specifies the password in an "encrypted" form.

If more than one type of password entry is given, only one will be used, with the order of precedence as shown above.

A sample login information file, "test/TestLoginInfoFile.txt", is included with the QWServer distribution.  This file contains a username/password entry that matches an entry in the "test/TestLocalPwdFile.txt" local-password file for QWServer.

The following shows an example of the contents of a login information file:

username = "yourUser"
password = "yourPwd"

Feeder-Data-Source Message Tracking System

     The "Feeder-Data-Source Message Tracking System" is an algorithm that is used to assure that all messages are delivered even when a client is switching between QuakeWatch servers.  The system requires that messages are "tagged" with a unique feeder-data-source "host name" and message number.  The message numbers must be positive values that increment sequentially.  For messages entering the system via a "QWCorbaFeeder", one of the "sendSourced..." methods should be used.  (These methods are defined in the "QWFeeder.idl" file.)

     It is also possible to configure a QWServer to have a "default" feeder-data-source "host name" value via the 'defaultFdrSourceHost' configuration parameter.  When this parameter is used, any received messages that do not already contain a feeder-data-source-host-name value will be given the default value and a feeder-data-source message number.  The 'defaultFdrSourceHost' parameter should only be used on QWServer installations that are dedicated to a single data source.

     The QW client maintains a table of feeder-data-source host names and message numbers such that the message number of the most recently received message from each data source is known.  (The feeder-data-source refers to the originating data source for the message, not the QWServer that the client is connected to).

     When a client connects to a "new" QWServer (one that it was not previously communicating with), the client sends the time-generated value for its last-received message along with its table of feeder-data-source host names and message numbers to the QWServer.

     The QWServer scans its message cache starting at a point in time that is eight hours before the time-generated value supplied by the client.  Each scanned message is checked as follows:

   1. If the feeder-data-source for the message matches a feeder-data-source in the client-supplied table and the feeder-data-source message number is greater than the value in the table then the message is selected.

   2. If the feeder-data-source message number is not greater than the value in the table then the message is not selected.

   3. If the feeder-data-source for the message does not match a feeder-data-source in the client-supplied table then the message is only selected if its time-generated value is greater than or equal to the client-supplied time-generated value.

     If the time-generated time for a selected message is less than the client-supplied time-generated value then the message time-generated time is updated to the client-supplied value.  (Otherwise the client will reject the message.)

     The QWServer then sends the selected messages to the client.

Message Signing Implementation

     The QuakeWatch Server may be configured to use certificates and public/private keys to "sign" all of its outgoing messages, allowing connected clients to authenticate the messages.  Below is a summary of terms and algorithms for the implementation.  See also the message-signing-related server configuration parameters.

CA - Certificate Authority - The software and people that build certificates and maintain the CoA and CRL.

CoA - Certificate of Authority - The CA's certificate (root certificate) which the CA uses to sign other certificates and the CRL. Others use the CoA to ensure the certificates and the CRL were signed from the CA.

CRL - Certificate Revocation List - The list of certificates that have been revoked. This is maintained by CA and is updated as needed. The CA signs the CRL using the CoA's private key.

Certificate - contains the user's public key and some information about who they are. The CA signs the certificate using the CoA's private key. Others use it to ensure the message was from the user.

Private/public key - The keys are created by a user and used to obtain a certificate from the CA. The private key is used for signing. The public key (which is contained in the certificate) is used to verify the signature.

Signature - The signature is a unique set of bytes that is used for authentication and integrity assurance of digital data. It is derived from the private key and digital data.

1. The CA provides the following: a) Certificate of Authority (CoA) - stored as a URL. b) Certificate Revocation List (CRL) - stored as a URL.

2. The QWServer provides to clients its own Certificate (stored only as a file). This must match the server's private key.

3. The server puts a signature into "Signature" attribute of the "QWMessage" element. To do this, the server uses its private key. (The signature must match the server's certificate.)

4. The client fetches the CoA and CRL from the CA (via URLs) and the certificate from the server (via a request to the server.) It should: a) Verify the CoA has not expired. b) Verify the CRL has not expired (the update time is not after the current time and the next update time if supplied is not before the current time) and is from the CA. c) Verify the server's certificate has not expired, is from the CA and is not on the CRL.

5. The client then verifies that the message contains a signature that was signed by the server's (valid) certificate.  If the signature is not valid then the client will reject the message.

The certificates must be
X.509 certificates that are DER-encoded and may be supplied in binary or printable (Base64) encoding. If the certificate is provided in Base64 encoding, it must be bounded at the beginning by -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----, and must be bounded at the end by -----END CERTIFICATE-----.

The private key provided must be in PKCS8 format either binary DER-encoded or in printable (Base64) encoding. If the
private key is provided in Base64 encoding, it must be bounded at the beginning by -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----, and must be bounded at the end by -----END PRIVATE KEY-----.

Client / Server Connection Notes

     For a CORBA-based QuakeWatch server setup, the default configuration is for servers to listen on ports 39977 and 39988 on the server-host machine.  With this configuration, a QuakeWatch client program (like CISN Display) makes a connection to the server at port 39977, the server gives the client the location of the Notification-Service event channel (which is at port 39988), and the client then establishes a connection to the event channel (at port 39988).  Once that event-channel connection is established, messages are "pushed" from the server event channel out to the client program.  (The client also does a check-in with the server once per minute via the connection to server port 39977.)
     The "average" client-machine firewall will not get in the way of these connections because the connections are initiated by the client program (on the client machine).  More restrictive firewalls may prevent any connection attempts that the firewall does not recognize or expect.

     The QuakeWatch server can also be operated in a web-services-based setup (which requires the "QWWebServices" module and other additional libraries).  For this setup, the QuakeWatch server is accessed through a web server, using the standard web port at 80 ("http") or 443 ("https").  The messages are sent using the SOAP protocol standard (via the Apache Axis implementation).  A QuakeWatch client program (like CISN Display) interacts with the QuakeWatch web-services server making "http" or "https" requests to the associated web server, similar to way that web pages are fetched by a web browser (like Internet Explorer or Firefox).  The QuakeWatch client polls the server once every 10 seconds, asking if any new messages are available and then receiving them if they are.  (This type of connection is inferior to the "push" connection that happens with the CORBA-based server because there can be a bit of a delay in the messages and because there is constant traffic on the connection even when there are no messages available.)
     The web-services-based connection should be able to get through even the more restrictive firewalls because all the client communications look (to the firewall) the same as a web browser simply fetching web pages.  If the firewall will allow a web browser to access a web page on the server machine hosting the QuakeWatch server, then we expect that the firewall will allow the QuakeWatch client to access the web-services-based QuakeWatch server.  (This assumes that web browser is not accessing the Internet through an proxy server.)
     Web-services-based QuakeWatch servers can be configured to
used encrypted communications so that all traffic (including the sending of passwords) is protected.  This is normally done using 'https' protocol at port 443 (rather than 'http' protocol at port 80).

     One good test of access to a web-services-based QuakeWatch server is to use a web browser to try to access a page on an associated web server.  If the web-services-based QuakeWatch server is operating on a machine with host name "test.server.com", a web browser on the client machine is used to view the address "http://test.server.com/axis".
     The browser may display one or two popup windows warning about the validity of the certificate ("Yes" or "OK" is used to dismiss these windows).  If the server has been configured to require logins, then a login window will appear, and a valid username/password entry should be entered.  A page titled "Apache Axis" should then appear.  If this happens, then the firewall is allowing web access to the server and the web-services-based connection should work OK.
  (This assumes that web browser is not accessing the Internet through an proxy server.)   If an error page appears then the firewall is preventing even basic web surfing from happening, and the server address may need to be added to a "safe" sites list.

Server Cache/Archive Notes

     As messages come in to the QWServer, they are added sequentially to the file-based archive.  A memory-based cache of received messages is also maintained by the QWServer.  The storage length of both the archive and cache are configurable (see the 'maxArchiveAgeInDays' and 'maxCacheAgeInDays' configuration parameters).
     The primary purpose of the archive is to support persistent storage of received messages so that if a QWServer is stopped and restarted the previously-received messages can be retrieved.  The primary purpose of the cache is to make previously-received messages readily available for clients to request.  When a QWServer starts up, it fills its message cache by fetching messages from its file-based archive.
     The file-based archive uses "flat" files containing XML text, with one file for each day's worth of messages.  Old archive files are purged when all the messages in a file are older than the 'maxArchiveAgeInDays' value.
     When a client requests "old" (previously-received) messages, the QWServer first attempts to fetch the messages from the cache.  If the requested messages are not found there (because they are too old), the QWServer attempts to fetch them from the archive.
     Note that if the number of messages in the file-based archive is very large, it can take a relatively-long time for the QWServer to fetch out requested messages; possibly so long that the CORBA transaction times out.  As such, it is usually best to limit client-message requests to messages held in the cache
.  This can be enforced via the 'maxResendAgeInDays' value.

Message Format

     Messages received and sent by the QuakeWatch Server are in XML format.  Files documenting the QuakeWatch "QWmessage" format may be found in the "doc/xml" directory of the QuakeWatch Server distribution, including the "QWmessage.dtd.txt" file (which documents the format) and several example message files.

Example QuakeWatch Server Configuration File


      # ID name string for this QuakeWatch server:
    serverIdName = "Test Server"
      # Name of console output redirect file:
    consoleRedirectFileName = "log/QWServerConsole.txt"
      # Name of the log file:
    serverLogFileName = "log/QWServer.log"
      # Level of log messages sent to the log file:
    serverLogFileLevel = "Debug"
      # Level of log messages sent to the console:
    serverConsoleLevel = "Warning"
      # Maximum age for log files (days, 0=infinite):
    logFilesMaxAgeInDays = 30
      # Port number spec for this server:
    serverPortNum = 39977
      # Port # spec for notification service:
    notifSvcPortNum = 39988
      # alternate server IDs list:
    altServerIdsList = ""
      # maximum message size (0 = no limit):
#    maximumMessageSize = 65536
      # true = use numberic IPs instead of host names:
#     publishNumericIPFlag = false

     LogFileName = "log/QWRelayFeeder.log"
     LogFileLevel = "Debug"
     ConsoleLevel = "Warning">
         # host address of server for QWRelay feeder:
       serverHostAddress = "quakewatch1.cisn.org"
         # port number of server for QWRelay feeder:
       serverPortNumber = 39977
         # max event from server age (days):
#       maxServerEventAgeDays = 3.0
         # list of alternate servers for fail-over reconnect:
       alternateServersList = "quakewatch2.cisn.org:39977"
         # true = enable fail-over reconnect to alternate servers:
       altServersEnabledFlag = true
         # true = allow only default alternate servers:
       keepDefaultAltServersFlag = false

Example Feeder-Modules Configuration File


     LogFileName = "log/QWRelayFeeder.log"
     LogFileLevel = "Debug"
     ConsoleLevel = "Warning">
         # host address of server for QWRelay feeder:
       serverHostAddress = "quakewatch1.cisn.org"
         # port number of server for QWRelay feeder:
       serverPortNumber = 39977
         # max event from server age (days):
#       maxServerEventAgeDays = 3.0
         # list of alternate servers for fail-over reconnect:
       alternateServersList = ""
         # true = enable fail-over reconnect to alternate servers:
       altServersEnabledFlag = false
         # true = allow only default alternate servers:
       keepDefaultAltServersFlag = false
     Name = "QWViaFile"
     Class = "com.isti.quakewatch.server.QWViaFileFeeder"
     LogFileName = "log/QWViaFileFeeder.log"
     LogFileLevel = "Debug"
     ConsoleLevel = "Warning">
         # input directory pathname to poll for message files
       inputDirName = "viaFileData/msgInput"
         # storage directory pathname
       storageDirName = "viaFileData/msgSave"
         # process directory pathname
       processDirName = "viaFileData/msgProcess"
         # delay between polls of the input directory (ms)
       inputPollDelayMS = 1000
         # max time to keep copies of the msg files (0 = no copies)
       storageAgeSecs = 86400

Example Client-Versions-Information File

  <DistribName Name="QWClient_default">
    <Versions NewVersionNum="1.01" MinConnNum="1.0" />
      A newer version (v1.01) of this program is available.  It is recommended that you upgrade to this version by pressing the "Upgrade" button.  To keep using the current version of the program, press the "Remind" button - you will be reminded about this upgrade again later.  Pressing the "Website" button will display the distribution website - from there a full reinstallation may be performed.
      This client cannot connect to the server until the client program is upgraded.  Press the "Upgrade" button to upgrade this program.  Pressing the "Website" button will display the distribution website - from there a full reinstallation may be performed.
      You are using the latest available version of this program.  If you would like reinstall the program anyway, you may press the "Website" button to visit the distribution website.
    <Links DistZip="http://quakewatch1.cisn.org/qws/QWClient/QWClient_v1.01_dist.zip"
           DistWebsite="http://quakewatch1.cisn.org/qws/QWClient" />
    No upgrades are available.


DistribName:  The client-distribution name reported by the client.
NewVersionNum:  The version number of the available client distribution.
MinConnNum:  Optional minimum-version number; connections from clients with lower version numbers will be rejected.

QuakeWatch Messaging System Diagram

Revision History Notes

Version 2.0  [2019-8-14]

Version 1.141  [2013-11-15]

Version 1.14  [2013-09-24]

Version 1.13  [2013-08-27]

Version 1.12  [2010-11-09]

Version 1.09  [2010-10-06]

Version 1.07  [2010-09-08]

Version 1.06  [2010-08-23]

Version 1.05  [2010-07-16]

Version 1.04  [2010-05-13]

Version 1.0  [2010-02-04]

Version 0.67Beta  [2009-10-09]

Version 0.66Beta  [2008-10-20]

Version 0.65Beta  [2008-07-22]

Version 0.64Beta  [2008-03-25]

Version 0.62Beta  [2007-09-21]

Version 0.6Beta  [2007-08-15]

Version 0.59Beta  [2006-09-20]

Version 0.58Beta  [2005-12-14]

Version 0.57Beta  [2005-09-16]

Version 0.56Beta  [2005-07-13]

Version 0.55Beta  [2005-06-08]

Version 0.54Beta  [2005-04-29]

Version 0.52Beta  [2005-04-13]

Version 0.5Beta  [2005-02-10]

Version 0.48Beta  [2004-12-03]

Version 0.47Beta

Version 0.45Beta

Version 0.43Beta

Version 0.32Beta

Version 0.25Beta

Version 0.24Beta

Version 0.23Beta

Version 0.22Beta

Version 0.21Beta

Version 0.20Beta

Version 0.11Beta

Version 0.10Beta

See Also

CISN Display Installation at http://www.cisn.org/software/cisndisplay.html

8/26/2019 - Kevin Frechette, Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc. - info@isti.com